Stakeholder Management For The Public Sector
Date: 2nd April 2025 |
Course Overview
The 2021 Declaration on Government reform states that:
"we will operate more seamlessly with institutions outside government, building partnerships with the wider public sector, private sector and community organisations to secure the best outcomes for citizens"
Yet, many strategy and policy interventions fail at the implementation stage, frequently as a result of ineffective stakeholder management.
This one-day virtual workshop looks at the principles of effective stakeholder management and some approaches to ensure long term stakeholder buy in and engagement.
This highly participative programme uses a blend of information sharing, conversation, examination of case studies to explore the topic, and exercises based on delegates own issues, led by our highly experienced facilitator.

Learning Outcomes
Participants in this interactive programme will:
- Understand best practice in stakeholder management and engagement
- Have practised applying this to their own stakeholder management issues and identified practical approaches to apply to their own work
- Understand how to evaluate the success of their stakeholder management initiatives

The Institute of Leadership has approved this training course. The Institute combines years of research, knowledge and innovation to champion the leadership agenda for alL and since 1947 they have carried out extensive research into the knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviours and values of great leadership. Based on The Institute's core leadership values, this course meets the standard that enables learners who have completed to access the following benefits:
- Membership of The Institute of Leadership will be in receipt of an ICPS/The Institute joint Certificate of achievement for the course
- Access to a raft of resources to help you with your continuing professional development, including an award-winning library of e-learning content
- A community of over 70,000 members worldwide enabling you to collaborate and grow your knowledge and skills
- Receipt of weekly news updates, podcasts and cutting-edge research and a monthly published journal and invitations to topical webinars
- Authorisation to use approved letters AMInstL (Associate Member of The Institute of Leadership) after your name for business correspondence
9:30 (BST) | Registration / Zoom room open |
10:00 | Welcome and Introduction
What is stakeholder management and why is it important?
| |
Who is responsible for stakeholder management? | |
Identifying stakeholders - how do we ensure that we know who all our stakeholders are? | |
Morning Break
Recognising and Understanding your Stakeholders:
Lunch Break |
Engaging with and communicating with stakeholders
Afternoon Break |
Managing stakeholders
Crowdsourcing - the new engagement? | |
Evaluating success and identifying stakeholder impact | |
16:15 | Discussion & Questions |
16:30 | Close |